Writing is Hard, Redux

The alarm went off a 5:45 this morning, and I got up. Lord help me. I actually got up.

I don’t know how many times I’ve attended Q&A sessions with professional writers, but they inevitably say the same thing: If you want to write, then write. Make it a priority. Get up early, be disciplined, and stop whining.

So I got up at 5:45 this morning, took a shower, poured my first cup of coffee, and wrote from 6:30 to 7:30. I didn’t write much, mind you, but I made some progress — slow, steady progress, which is the point of discipline, I guess. I also spoke with my manager today, who graciously agreed to let me adjust my schedule so that my one hour of writing might grow into two — two quiet hours alone in the dark of morning when I’m not exhausted from a frustrating day at work, when I’m not distracted by competing obligations and distractions.

It would all sound heavenly if it didn’t begin so damn early.