TIFF Film Schedule


I’ve put in my ticket requests for the Toronto Film Festival. By choosing to fly in on the 11th and out on the 18th, I’ll be missing two of my most highly anticipated films, Robert Bresson’s Diary of a Country Priest, which will be introduced by Chantal Akerman and which I’ve always wanted to see on the big screen, and Godard’s latest, Notre Musique. I used my 30th and final ticket request for the Bresson anyway. Who knows? Maybe I can catch a later flight.

I had to make a few compromises because of scheduling conflicts, but if I get into half of my first choices (second choices are in brackets), it will be quite a week. Getting to finally meet a few old friends will be fun, too.

Saturday 9/11

Sunday 9/12

Monday 9/13

Tuesday 9/14

Wednesday 9/15

Thursday 9/16

Friday 9/17

Saturday 9/18