The First Long Pauses Giveaway

Yesterday was a really good mail day. My parents sent us an anniversary present (today is our 8th), and my friend Nick sent some hard-to-find DVDs (including a copy of Dumont’s Twentynine Palms).

But I was most excited to receive a stack of magazines. Two years ago, Doug Cummings invited me to join an email listserv, and I now consider the other participants there dear friends. We’ve spent that time discussing the basic stuff of life (family, work, politics, religion, and whatnot), but we’ve also been there to support the efforts of Karen Neudorf, a remarkable woman who has thrown herself, head first, into the business of ads-free magazine publishing. Yesterday I finally got my hands on the first issue of the new Beyond, and I can’t tell you how proud I am to be associated with it.

Well, maybe I can tell you: The first ten people who write “I want to taste the goodness” in the comments section of this post get a free subscription.

Seriously. I’m buying. Be sure to include your real email address when you comment because I’ll probably need to get some more information from you. Unfortunately, I think I’ll have to limit this offer to Americans and Canucks for now. Sorry.

Congrats, Karen. Amazing, amazing stuff.