On My Bedside Table

Timebends by Arthur Miller — the playwright’s autobiography, which I started reading in September and stopped reading two days later, somewhere around page 80.

Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi — I have every intention of getting back to this one. Someday. As I recall, the first 20 pages were great.

True Notebooks by Mark Salzman — A gift from a friend, who assures me that Salzman is a sure-fire cure to the angst that plagues writers (or, more accurately, to the writing-induced angst that plagues me, specifically).

Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory by Herbert Marcuse — A little prepwork for my dissertation discussions of the New Left.

The Meanings of Social Life: A Cultural Sociology by Jeffrey C. Alexander — Looking forward to reading this one over the holidays.

American Mischief by Alan Lelchuk — Published in 1973, and now unforgivably out-of-print, it would sit on your shelf somewhere between Public Burning and Portnoy’s Complaint. I’m somewhere near page 80 of this one, too.

Brief Interviews With Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace — I don’t even particularly like Wallace, but this is the type of book that I buy from the $4 shelf at the front of Barnes & Noble. As usual, I read the first two or three stories then set it aside.

The last four issues of The New York Review of Books — Each of which has one or two articles whose titles have piqued my interest.