Notes from the Festivals

David Hudson’s always excellent film blog at GreenCine is a great one-stop resource for links to news from Toronto and Venice. Some early blurbs that have caught my attention:

Dumont’s previous films, set in the French countryside, worked the social into the individual, creating desperation and isolation and jealousy to drive his characters. Here, they are simply abstractions in an abstract landscape, driving themselves on pure sensation (they are less in love than addicted to sex) and awaiting punishment from a malevolent God in the form of blunt and brutal violence that springs out of nowhere — a climax that becomes an act of auteur masturbation.
Sean Axmaker on Twentynine Palms

Some stirring moments of drama. But they don’t add up to a satisfying whole.
ScreenDaily on The Human Stain (requires subscription)

JRobert will also soon begin posting reports from Toronto at Film Journey. He has already posted his itinerary, which has left me more than a wee bit jealous. Through the DVDBeaver listserv, I’ve “met” several fine folks who live in or around Toronto. One of these years, I’m going to have to camp out in their living rooms and experience this thing first-hand.