Film Journey

I like this theatre. The set up is a little strange, the bottom floor being too low, sloping up, and the balcony being too high. But I have fond memories of watching Ulysses’ Gaze here a while back. They’re showing everything from The Jungle Book 2 to Straub/Huillet. It makes me wonder how the French distribution system works. The cost of renting prints must be much less. By looking at their screening schedule, you would think they have multiple theatres. But there is in fact only one theatre, and they still find the time to show 24 different movies and two programs of shorts. So why does my local theatre have 18 theatres, but only 10 different movies (and all uninteresting)?

Over at Film Journey Jonathan Takagi has posted a series of capsule reviews from his recent trip to Paris. Over at Long Pauses I’m trying desperately to not choke on my own jealousy.