Eight Dollar Magazines

I never buy eight dollar magazines. Ever. On principle. Even the really tempting ones like Paste that come with those nifty CD samplers. Which is why it’s so odd that, tonight, I bought an eight dollar magazine. But I didn’t really have any choice in the matter, because, well, The Believer might just be the coolest damn magazine I’ve ever seen.

A small sampling of the contents of The Believer Vol.1, No.1, March 2003, 127 pages:

  • “Rejoice! Believe! Be Strong and Read Hard! A Call for a New Era of Experimentations and a Book Culture That Will Support It” by Heidi Julavits
  • “The Most Pre-Protested Would-Be War in History” by Marc Herman
  • Badlands and the ‘Innocence’ of American Innocence” by Jim Shepard
  • “Magical Realism: A Short, Loose History”
  • “A Conversation between Salman Rushdie and Terry Gilliam”
  • “An Interview with Beth Orton
  • “An Interview with Kumar Pallana

So what are you waiting for? Go subscribe already! A magazine this interesting won’t be around for long — at least not without our support. (Oh yeah, and go subscribe to Beyond while you’re at it.)