
The Fire Theft

“Chain” by The Fire Theft. Why? Because the world needs a good emo waltz, that’s why.

Jeremy Enigk seems to be taking a good bit of crap for his lyrics on this album — perhaps justifiably so. ButI like this song, and especially this bit: “I’m amazed / I see the world in revolution / Within the darkness a solution”. Too simple for most tastes, I know. Too straight-forward, too lacking in ironic distance. But I like it. Of course, I’m also glad that Enigk found God, so what do I know.

Chain, I feel the words falling in a rhythm
I see the world bearing its decision to never give in
I’m amazed
I hear the words form some kind of silence
When the world falls into violence
We’ll never give in

Chain, I see the world falling in a rhythm
I feel the wind bearing its decision to never give in
I’m afraid
I hear the words form some kind of silence
When the world falls into violence
They’ll never give in

Chained in silence
The rhythm of violence
Change all around us
Change in everything you see

I’m amazed
I see the world in revolution
Within the darkness a solution
We’ll never give in

Chained in silence
The rhythm of violence
Change all around us
Change in everything you see

According to Grandaddy’s Website, The Fire Theft, Saves the Day, and Grandaddy will be playing a show in Phoenix when I’m there in March. Anyone have an opinion about Saves the Day or Grandaddy? I’m not familiar with either.