Category: Lists

  • 2004 Film Diary

    2004 Film Diary

    2 The Last Detail [Ashby]
    3 Angels in America: Millennium Approaches [Nichols]
    3 Angels in America: Perestroika [Nichols]
    4 Shampoo [Ashby]
    5 Bound for Glory [Ashby]
    6 The Landlord [Ashby]
    7 Being There [Ashby]
    7 The Slugger’s Wife [Ashby]
    8 Coming Home [Ashby]
    9 8 Million Ways to Die [Ashby]
    11 Ararat [Egoyan]
    12 Derrida [Dick and Ziering Kofman]
    17 The 400 Blows [Truffaut]
    17 Antoine and Colette [Truffaut]
    21 Stolen Kisses [Truffaut]
    24 The Kids are Alright [Stein]
    25 The 400 Blows [Truffaut]
    20 Solaris [Soderbergh]
    28 Pulse [Kurosawa]
    2 Ten [Kiarostami]
    3 Warm Water Under a Red Bridge [Imamura]
    5 Hidalgo [Johnston]
    6 I Am Trying to Break Your Heart [Jones]
    13 Dogville [von Trier]
    16 Late August, Early September [Assayas]
    25 Twentynine Palms [Dumont]
    26 The Last Detail [Ashby]
    30 The Magic Flute [Bergman]
    1 Elephant [Van Sant]
    3 Damnation [Tarr]
    4 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [Cuaron]
    26 Twentynine Palms [Dumont]
    27 Fahrenheit 9/11 [Moore]
    28 The Big One [Moore]
    29 A Short Film About Love [Kieslowski]
    30 Lancelot du Lac [Bresson]
    3 Hour of the Wolf [Bergman]
    8 All the Youthful Days [Hou]
    9 The Fog of War [Morris]
    11 The Bathtub of the World [Zahedi]
    11 I Was Possessed by God [Zahedi]
    11 Mandy’s Birthday [Zahedi]
    16 Spiderman 2 [Raimi]
    17 The Spirit of the Beehive [Erice]
    24 The War Room [Hegedus and Pennebaker]
    25 Christ in Concrete [Dmytryk]
    27 Before Sunrise [Linklater]
    28 Before Sunset [Linklater]
    31 Shame [Bergman]
    1 Unknown Pleasures [Jia]
    2 I Don’t Hate Las Vegas Anymore [Zahedi]
    3 Underground Zero films [various directors]
    4 The School of Rock [Linklater]
    5 To Kill a Mockingbird [Mulligan]
    7 The Passion of Anna [Bergman]
    8 Six Feet Under: Someone Else’s Eyes
    8 Underground Zero films [various directors]
    9 Live from Shiva’s Dance Floor [Linklater]
    10 The Son [Dardennes]
    18 Three Kings [Russell]
    19 Control Room [Noujaim]
    20 Joe Dirt [Gordon]
    21 Généalogies d’un crime [Ruiz]
    25 The Times of Harvey Milk [Epstein]
    28 Woman in the Dunes [Teshigahara]
    3 Smiles of a Summer Night [Bergman]
    11 Nobody Knows [Kore-eda]
    11 My Summer of Love [Pawlikowski]
    12 Childstar [McKellar]
    12 3-Iron [Kim]
    12 10e Chambre, instants d’audiences [Depardon]
    12 Earth and Ashes [Rahimi]
    12 Tell Them Who You Are [Wexler]
    13 Schizo [Omarova]
    13 Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow [Angelopoulos]
    13 Moolaadé [Sembene]
    14 Little Sky [Menis]
    14 9 Songs [Winterbottom]
    14 L’Intrus [Denis]
    15 The Holy Girl [Martel]
    15 Café Lumière [Hou]
    15 Plastic Flowers [Liu]
    16 The Brood [Cronenberg]
    16 ScaredSacred [Ripper]
    16 Ydessa, les ours et etc. [Varda]
    16 Ulysse [Varda]
    16 Salut les Cubains [Varda]
    16 As Follows [Veiroj]
    16 Whisky [Rebella and Stoll]
    17 Boats Out of Watermelon Rinds [Uluçay]
    17 Low Life [Im]
    17 5 x 2 – Cinq fois deux [Ozon]
    17 Demain on déménage [Akerman]
    19 Wild Strawberries [Bergman]
    28 Manahagar [Ray]
    1 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter…Spring [Kim]
    8 Night and Fog [Resnais]
    14 Night and Fog [Resnais]
    17 Sherman’s March [McElwee]
    21 Floating Weeds [Ozu]
    31 The Last Bolshevik [Marker]
    2 Desistfilm [Brakhage]
    2 Wedlock House: An Intercourse [Brakhage]
    2 Dog Star Man [Brakhage]
    4 In the Mirror of Maya Deren [Kudlacek]
    5 X2: X-Men United [Singer]
    6 The Act of Seeing With One’s Own Eyes [Brakhage]
    7 Shadows [Cassavetes]
    8 Sullivan’s Travels [Sturges]
    9 Sullivan’s Travels [Sturges]
    13 By Brakhage Disc 2 [Brakhage]
    14 American Beauty [Mendes]
    14 The Incredibles [Bird]
    17 Tape [Linklater]
    20 Hiroshima Mon Amour [Resnais]
    21 Before Sunset [Linklater]
    21 Plain Talk and Common Sense [Jost]
    23 Friday Night
    26 Millennium Mambo [Hou]
    1 Scenes from a Marriage (TV-1) [Bergman]
    2 Scenes from a Marriage (TV-2) [Bergman]
    7 Rio Bravo [Hawks]
    11 Next of Kin [Egoyan]
    12 Tarnation [Caouette]
    19 Family Viewing [Egoyan]
    20 Medium Cool [Wexler]
    21 Medium Cool [Wexler]
    22 Lemony Snicket [Silberling]
  • Best Films of 2003

    Best Films of 2003

    Living in Knoxville, Tennessee, with its two or three screens devoted to interesting fare, leaves me grossly ill-equipped to make sweeping generalizations about the year in film. The following, instead, is an odd mix of movies (or, more often, groups of movies) that I will probably forever associate with 2003. With only one or two exceptions, I saw each of these for the first time this year.

    1. Tarkovsky Retrospective — Seeing Mirror (1975), my all-time favorite film, with a large and enthusiastic audience at the National Gallery in May was, without question, the highlight of my film-watching year. I can’t imagine that anything in 2004 will top it.

    2. Angels in America (Nichols, 2003) — Last year I predicted that Angels would be the best film I would see in 2003, and it came awfully close. By paring Tony Kushner’s plays down to a more purely human drama, Nichols accomplished what several other talented directors, including Altman, thought impossible: he actually filmed the damn things, and, small quibbles aside, he made a fine film in the process.

    3. Hal Ashby — I have watched and rewatched and rewatched Hal Ashby’s films this year. He is, to me, the personification of the Hollywood Film Renaissance of the 1970s — its vitality and decadence, its fearlessness and political rage, and, most of all, its profoundly intimate voice. I so wish that Ashby had lived to see the rebirth of American independent cinema in the early-90s. Imagine what he might have done had he been given an opportunity to make a comeback like Altman’s.

    4. John Cassavetes — Before 2003 I had never seen a Cassavetes film. In a way, I think that 30 was just about the right age for the experience. His films are painful to watch — they break your heart while making you self-conscious about the very act of spectatorship. Maybe by the time I’m 40 I’ll finally be able to write about Cassavetes.

    5. Russian Ark (Sokurov, 2001) — My favorite film image of 2003 was that expression on Sergei Dreiden’s face at the end of the ballroom sequence. So much nostalghia and regret and tragedy in a single look.

    6. Lost in Translation (Coppola, 2003) and The Station Agent (McCarthy, 2003) — Two American films that show a genuine fondness for their characters. And sometimes that’s enough.

    7. After Life (Kore-eda, 1998) — About 70 minutes into After Life, we see an old woman sitting on a bench in the middle of a large sound stage. She’s smiling, as crew members drop autumn leaves around her. It got me. I cried. The whole film got me, actually.

    8. Close-Up (Kiarostami, 1990) and Calendar (Egoyan, 1993) — Two brilliant films that investigate the power of images to shape memory and understanding. What I love about them, though, is that they’re self-reflexive and intelligent without being caked in irony and cynicism.

    9. Documentaries — Along with some fine new releases, including Capturing the Friedmans (Jarecki, 2003) and Spellbound (Blitz, 2003), I was stunned by my first encounters with Mark Rappaport. From the Journals of Jean Seberg (1996) is the only film that I watched three nights in a row.

    10. Six Feet Under and The Office — Yeah, I know they’re TV shows, but they’re also better than 99% of the films that came to Knoxville. The first seasons of both series were released in fine DVD collections this year, and I’m grateful for it.

  • Best Films of 2002

    Best Films of 2002

    For me, 2002 will be most remembered for the Actors Theatre’s production of Angels in America, which I saw while visiting Phoenix in October and which only qualifies for a mention here because if Mike Nichols’s rumored seven hour adaptation of the plays captures even half of the magic and the joy of Tony Kushner’s language then it will surely be the best film I see in 2003. I spent the rest of the year, though, here in Knoxville, TN with its two screens devoted to interesting fare, leaving me grossly ill-equipped to make sweeping generalizations about the year in movies. (Ask me again in ten months.) Instead, here are some impressions of the 2002 film experiences that still linger.

    The only film that I watched three days in a row, more enraptured by it each time, was Tsai Ming-liang’s What Time Is It There? The magic of the film for me is found in Lu Yi-ching’s performance. In this remarkable woman, a widow experiencing the mysteries of mourning and loss, Tsai has offered a counterargument to all who would summarily dismiss his films as simply Antonioni-like laments of alienation. What Time was also the most beautiful film I saw all year, featuring brilliant camera work from Benoît Delhomme.

    My favorite sequence from any film was buried in the middle of Paul Thomas Anderson’s Punch-Drunk Love. Adam Sandler’s Barry Egan stands before his dream woman, Emily Watson, while the rest of his world collapses around him. A screaming telephone harasses him, a forklift crashes, and the voices of his coworkers conspire in a cacophony of fits and shrieks. I actually laughed out loud during the scene, partly as a temporary reprieve from the tension, partly out of sheer admiration for Anderson’s gifts. Punch-Drunk Love earns my “outstanding sound design” award for 2002. Hitchcock would have loved it.

    The most consistently entertaining film I saw was Roger Moore’s Bowling for Columbine, which manages to be both provocative and surprisingly even-handed. Setting out to discover why we Americans are so good at shooting each other, Moore finally offers few concrete answers but succeeds in undercutting the most commonly held misconceptions, by conservatives and liberals alike. Moore still struggles occasionally to balance his earnest concern with parody, but the film makes a quality statement. Bowling is worth seeing for its interview with Charlton Heston alone—the most cringe-inducing moment in a film littered with cringe-inducing moments.

    The film experience that I most cherish from this year was getting to sit beside my parents for a screening of Dreyer’s Passion of Joan of Arc, which was sponsored by the Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts and accompanied by the Annapolis Chorale’s performance of Richard Einhorn’s Voices of Light. My parents had never seen Passion, or anything like it. Their silence as we walked through the hushed crowd toward our car is testament, I think, to the sublime majesty of Dreyer’s film.

    And finally, a short list of films that I saw for the first time in 2002 and that made me a better man for it: Au Hasard Balthazar (Bresson), La Promesse (Dardenne), Through a Glass Darkly (Bergman), Good Men, Good Women (Hou), Waking Life (Linklater), The Children of Paradise (Carne), and Dancer in the Dark (Von Trier).

  • 2003 Film Diary

    2003 Film Diary

    1 Glengarry Glen Ross [Foley]
    3 Sweet Home Alabama [Tennant]
    4 Andrei Rublev [Tarkovsky]
    5 Fellowship of the Ring [Jackson]
    7 The Royal Tenenbaums [Anderson]
    10 Taste of Cherry [Kiarostami]
    11 In Praise of Love [Godard]
    12 Faces [Cassavetes]
    13 The Hole [Tsai]
    14 A Woman is a Woman [Godard]
    16 The Lady from Shanghai [Welles]
    17 The Silence [Bergman]
    19 13 Conversations about One Thing [Sprecher]
    21 The Road Home [Zhang]
    22 Close-Up [Kiarostami]
    23 Ivan’s Childhood [Tarkovsky]
    25 Time Out [Cantet]
    26 Adaptation [Jonze]
    27 The Killing of a Chinese Bookie [Cassavetes]
    31 Un Chien Andalou [Bunuel]
    1 Celine and Julie Go Boating [Rivette]
    2 Burnt by the Sun [Mikhalkov]
    7 Ice Age [Wedge]
    8 Mother [Pudovkin]
    8 Dazed and Confused [Linklater]
    9 The Hours [Daldry]
    14 The Color of Pomegranates [Parajanov]
    16 McCabe and Mrs. Miller [Altman]
    20 Talk to Her [Almodovar]
    22 Rebels of the Neon God [Tsai]
    23 Twelve Angry Men [Lumet]
    24 Beau Travail [Denis]
    28 Pather Panchali [Ray]
    1 Les Bonnes Femmes [Chabrol]
    1 Earth [Dovzhenko]
    3 The River [Tsai]
    5 Blue [Kieslowski]
    6 The Two Towers [Jackson]
    7 The Big Kahuna [Swanbeck]
    12 What Time Is It There? [Tsai]
    14 Chunhyang [Im]
    16 The Pianist [Polanski]
    26 The Circle [Panahi]
    13 Children of Heaven [Majidi]
    22 Sarabande [Egoyan]
    25 Y Tu Mamá También [Cuarón]
    26 Secret World Live [Gabriel]
    28 The Wind Will Carry Us [Kiarostami]
    30 Baran [Majidi]
    3 Magnolia [Anderson]
    3 Far from Heaven [Haynes]
    4 The Piano [Campion]
    7 X-Men 2 [Singer]
    9 Undercover Brother [Lee]
    10 Maborosi [Kore-eda]
    16 Solaris [Tarkovsky]
    17 Mirror [Tarkovsky]
    18 Mirror [Tarkovsky]
    19 Trouble in Paradise [Lubitsch]
    20 Trouble in Paradise [Lubitsch]
    21 A Mighty Wind [Guest]
    22 Don’t Look Now [Roeg]
    26 Hedwig and the Angry Inch [Mitchell]
    26 Donnie Darko [Kelly]
    31 All That Heaven Allows [Sirk]
    2 All About My Mother [Almodovar]
    5 Finding Nemo [Stanton and Unkrich]
    6 Red [Kieslowski]
    8 A Woman Under the Influence [Cassavetes]
    10 Code Unknown [Haneke]
    14 The Journals of Jean Seberg [Rappaport]
    15 The Journals of Jean Seberg [Rappaport]
    18 The Matrix [the Wachowskis]
    27 Dumb and Dumberer [Miller]
    27 Flesh for Frankenstein [Morrissey]
    29 High Fidelity [Frears]
    29 Punch-Drunk Love [Anderson]
    30 Blood of Dracula [Morrissey]
    5 Capturing the Friedmans [Jarecki]
    13 The Color of Paradise [Mahidi]
    14 Russian Ark [Sokurov]
    21 Rock Hudson’s Home Movies [Rappaport]
    31 Opening Night [Cassavetes]
    7 Throne of Blood [Kurosawa]
    8 The Trials of Henry Kissinger [Jarecki]
    20 Harold & Maude [Ashby]
    30 Lost in Translation [Coppola]
    4 Shampoo [Ashby]
    7 Coming Home [Ashby]
    19 The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming [Jewison]
    19 From Hell [Hughes Brothers]
    20 Diary of a Chambermaid [Bunuel]
    24 Pirates of the Caribbean [Verbinski]
    26 Minnie and Moskowitz [Cassavetes]
    2 Band of Outsiders [Godard]
    7 Elf [Favreau]
    9 After Life [Kore-eda]
    12 Rikyu [Teshigahara]
    12 A Perfect Candidate [Cutler & Van Taylor]
    14 The Station Agent [McCarthy]
    22 Maborosi [Kore-eda]
    25 Talk to Her [Almodovar]
    29 Master and Commander [Weir]
    30 Fox and His Friends [Fassbainder]
    2 Gerry [Van Sant]
    6 Light Keeps Me Company [Nykvist]
    7 Blackboards [Makhmalbaf]
    7 Angels in America: Millennium Approaches [Nichols]
    8 Angels in America: Millennium Approaches [Nichols]
    12 Calendar [Egoyan]
    13 Harold and Maude [Ashby]
    14 Angels in America: Perstroika [Nichols]
    15 Angels in America: Perstroika [Nichols]
    16 Spellbound [Blitz]
    17 Return of the King [Jackson]
    25 A Mighty Wind [Guest]
    26 Sergeant York [Hawks]
    26 Best in Show [Guest]
    29 The Last Detail [Ashby]
    30 Bottle Rocket [Anderson]