Anticipating Rotterdam

After making ten trips to TIFF, I thought I’d gotten pretty good at navigating a massive film program, but International Film Festival Rotterdam is something else entirely. If we count shorts individually, IFFR must be showing more than 400 films over the next ten days, and unlike Toronto, which is a marketplace as much as a festival, the vast majority of the films in Rotterdam’s program have exceedingly limited commercial opportunities. In other words, even with the proliferation of streaming video and other small-scale distribution channels, next week will likely be my only chance to see many of these films.

The following is my first pass at a schedule. I’m splitting my time between auteur films that I’m eager to see on a big screen (Hard to be a God, Jealousy, What now? Remind me), experimental shorts programs, the Nils Malmros retrospective, and an assortment of other things that caught my eye.

Friday, 1/24

Saturday, 1/25

Sunday, 1/26

Monday, 1/27

Tuesday, 1/28

Wednesday, 1/29

Thursday, 1/30