And In University News . . .

It’s a small blogoshpere after all. Thanks to this week’s cover story in the Metro Pulse, I’ve discovered that Instapundit (a.k.a. Glenn Reynolds), one of the world’s pioneer and most heavily-trafficed bloggers, spends his days in an office just a few yards from my own. How odd. And after I’ve spent so much energy lamenting Knoxville’s isolation. Reynolds recently took on a more high profile blogspot at, where he offers a counterpoint to Eric Alterman’s Altercation.

And some good news: My dissertation proposal was accepted this morning without revisions by my committee, who were all remarkably complimentary of my work. I’ve spent the last five years waiting anxiously to be discovered — waiting for everyone in the department to realize that I have absolutely no idea what in the hell I’m talking about. Apparently, I’ve fooled them all.